My numero uno actor HARVEY KEITEL. You may know him of movies like Reservoir Dogs, The Piano, Smoke, Clockers...
And beautiful Miss WINONA RYDER. BS's Dracula, Reality Bites, Little Women, Heathers, How to make an American guilt. Any of those ring a bell?
Brad Pitt
"My thoughts turn to you, my immortal beloved"
Gary Oldman
another Gary site
Keanu Reeves. Looks and talent combined. No need to say more. KeanuNet is the best place to get info on Mr. Reeves. Emily's Keanu Corner is also enjoyable... Hmmmm.
My favourite Jodie Foster movies are The Silence Of The Lambs, Little Man Tate, Sommersby and Nell. Which are yours? Jodie Foster Gallery
Michelle Pfeiffer, the witch of Eastwick. Many think that she is one of the most beautiful women on earth. She thinks she looks like a duck. I think she's both beautiful and talented...
Beautiful Bridget Fonda, a Single White Female. I became a fan when I saw Singles, one of my all time fave movies. She's cute & good actress.
Cine Kieslowski
Irene Jacob
Juliette Binoche
Antonio Banderas
George Clooney
Kevin Spacey
Johnny Depp
Quentin Tarantino
The Coen Brothers
Todd Solondz
Almodovarlandia (Pedro Almodovar)
Love and Anarchy - the Helsinki International Film Festival
Movie studios and other movierelated stuff
The Internet Movie Data Base
United International Pictures
Universal Studios
Warner Bros
MGM United Artists
Paramount Pictures
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
Walt Disney
Movie Sounds
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