Dream Theater
Helsinki February 22, 1995

Here are some photos of DT's first visit to Finland in 1995. We bumped into Derek, John M & James in the morning, Mike all during the day, were in the first row during the concert, and got after show passes. :-) All pictures taken by me unless otherwise stated. Enjoy!

James in the streets of Helsinki

John & Derek posing in the heart of Helsinki.

Mike & "Metropolis Watch" - 'zine run by my friend Jaime

Porntoy & me :-) Happy happy joy joy! (by Satu)

"Lost in the sky..." James on stage

Mike & James very fond of each other (taken by my friend Satu)

da man himself. Portnoy.

James. Sorry about making you blind...

Derek loves beer. Beer loves Derek.

J. Petrucci as captured by my friend Satu

J. Myung & me. No I am not sleeping. :) (by Satu)

Mike and Derek in Helsinki October 3, 1997

DT in Helsinki March 3-4, 1998
DT in Helsinki March 2000

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